
Celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Today is the 24th annual celebration of National Girls and Women in Sports Day!
I am reminded everyday of the influence and power that sports has to transform lives. The opportunity to put on a uniform and to compete is one that pays lifelong dividends and the fact that A-1 Challenge ladies Basketball plays a motivating and iconic role in encouraging young girls to pursue their dreams makes everyday meaningful for those of us partaking in this great team.

I smiled recently when I picked up an old article on the local high school basketball teams. What was great was that the headlines first referenced girls basketball and then boys basketball. So often, basketball is for boys and girls basketball is for girls ... a small triumph of sorts as the legitimacy and respect for girls programs which also impact the available resources.

It would be great on this day that for those who play sport and for those who have daughters in sports and those who believe in the power of sports to transform lives, that we make the effort to support our youth who participate. It is imperative that we communicate through our attendance, through our holding accountable those who shape opinions such as our captains and local media that the games that our girls play are important, just as important as those of our sons.

What we don't say, speaks as loudly if not more loudly than what we do say. So speak up with your actions and words. Happy celebration Ladies!

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